As evangelical and reformed believers, we share core beliefs and convictions, which are at the heart of our fellowship and co-operation. Many of these are being challenged and rejected in these apostate days.
For the last two years, the Trustees of the Bible League have been working on a document that seeks to state and define the biblical doctrines and practices particularly under attack at the present time. Originally the vision of Malcolm Watts who produced the initial draft, others have contributed various suggestions for the final form of this Affirmation. Consultation was also made with brethren in various church bodies and constituencies, whose suggestions have strengthened the document and ensured the widest possible agreement among us.
The Affirmation has been signed by twenty-five brethren, the majority of them ministers in Baptist, Congregational, Independent, and Presbyterian churches. Three major conferences in the UK have also identified with this document. It is therefore inclusive in the best sense, but also exclusive, because it also states what we do not believe, and what we deplore as departures from Holy Scripture.
It is now published in the form of a booklet of 30 pages and is available to interested friends. We strongly commend this Affirmation and urge them to obtain a copy and unite with us around this statement of belief and practice. In addition, on its website there is a facility to sign up to the Affirmation and thus identify with its aims. If you find yourselves in full agreement with the Affirmation, please sign up by clicking on the word 'Signatories'. This will show your support for the document and it will also be an encouragement to other believers.
The times demand that we state exactly where we stand on matters of faith and conduct that are everywhere under attack. Uniting on these verities will strengthen our hand in God, and encourage others to join us in making a response to the desperate decline and departure that is gathering speed in our day.
The words of Martin Luther give the spirit of the Affirmation 2010:
'If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are attacking at that moment, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all battlefields besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point'.
Here is the Preface to the Affirmation, which further explains its purpose and calls us to stand for God and Truth in our generation:
'In view of the present violent opposition from the adversary of God and man, and the evident confusion and grave departure from Biblical Truth in the professing Church, we believe it was laid upon us to make solemn affirmation of the doctrine we seek firmly to believe and strenuously to maintain. It is understood that this Affirmation does not cover every tenet of the Faith once delivered to us, but statement is herein made, and emphasis given, to the doctrine particularly assailed at the present time. Aware, as we certainly are, of our own great weakness, and depending as always upon the support and strength of our faithful God, we unitedly make solemn and public testimony to vitally important truth, while at the same time firmly rejecting the errors and novelties which are contrary to them. We call upon all who love the Truth to join with us in making this formal affirmation of Faith, and we pray God to use it to the overthrow of false doctrine and practice.'
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Order Address: Affirmation 2010, 47 Pennsylvania Avenue, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 7JG, United Kingdom.
Click here for prices and ordering. We encourage friends to do all they can to make these booklets available to others. Please buy one for yourself but also buy further copies to pass on.