The law for worship is that nothing is admissible in the worship of God without definite scriptural appointment.
We sing from the Book of Psalms, the only divinely authorised manual of praise. This is led by a Precentor and is without the use of musical instruments.
In the course of our worship we read consecutively through both Old and New Testaments. The Authorised Version of the Bible is used at all our services and meetings. We believe it is still the best English translation of the Word of God.
The congregation stands for public prayer.
We believe in the centrality and importance of the faithful preaching of God's Word. The evening sermon is usually evangelistic in nature.
This follows the evening service, except for the 2nd Lord's Day of each month when it follows the morning service.
No collection is taken during the services, but if visiting believers would like to join us in giving to the Lord's work, there are offertory boxes located in the vestibule.
The following articles give more information on the reasons for the conduct of our church worship:
The General Structure of a Worship Service. Scriptural principles determining the order and structure of a worship service. By Malcolm H Watts
Psalm Singing. Biblical arguments for unaccompanied exclusive Psalmody. By Malcolm H. Watts.
Reading of Holy Scripture. By Malcolm H Watts
The Centrality of Preaching. This article explains from historical and Biblical perspectives the necessity for the centrality of preaching. By Malcolm H. Watts.
Practical Reasons for Retaining the KJV. Thirteen practical reasons for retaining the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. By Dr. Joel R. Beeke.