Salisbury Conference 2024

God willing, this year's 25th Salisbury Conference will be held on 4th - 6th October 2024. Our Guest Preacher will be Dr Jeff Riddle, Pastor of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Louisa, Virginia, USA.

The theme of the Conference this year is Experiencing the Word of God.

The titles and times of the addresses will be as follows:

Friday 4th October

7.30pm - The Life and Legacy of Adoniram Judson (1788-1850)

 Saturday 5th October

10.30am - The Preservation of Scripture (Jeremiah 36)

Lunch Break

1.00pm - The Universality of Scripture (Zechariah 5:1-4)

2.30pm - The Goal of Scripture (John 20:30-31)

Lord's Day 6th October

Pastor Riddle will preach the Word of God at services on the Sabbath at the usual times of 11.00am and 6.30pm. At an After-Church meeting, at approximately 8.30pm, he will be giving his testimony.

We hope you will be able to join us for this year's Conference. The theme is vital to all we believe and experience as Christians. The times call for a recovery of the highest view of Holy Scripture - to love it, believe it, receive it, and live by it. Ezekiel Hopkins once wrote: "The Bible is the statute-book of God's Kingdom, wherein is comprised the whole body of the heavenly law, the perfect rules of a holy life, and the sure promises of a glorious one."

May we find this true for us, and may this year's conference be used to that end!

Important Information about the Salisbury Conference

Lunch and Refreshments

Please bring your own packed lunch or use the nearest convenience store. Drinks will be available throughout the day between sessions. At the close of the day, a small buffet tea will be provided.


For visitors, parking is available in the church car park at Grove House approx. 50 metres from our building. If arriving by the Park & Ride service from Wilton (PR3 approx every 30 mins), ask the driver to stop at the Windsor Street bus stop. This is outside Grove House car park.

Families with Young Children

A side-room with a video link to the meetings is available for parents with small children if needed.

Live-stream and Recordings

The conference addresses and Lord's Day worship services will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel, with recording available afterwards on YouTube and Sermon Audio. Listen to recordings of past conference addresses here.



Salisbury Seminary