Toddler Group

  • Every Friday morning (term time only)
  • 10am-11:30am
  • Location Grove House -located in the church car park or in bad weather the main church building. This will be updated weekly on our facebook page or look for the toddler group sign outside the building.
  • £1 per family
  • ALL WELCOME ( Children 0-5 years )

Come along to this fun time together with crafts, singing, story time and lots of toys to play with.

Please bring your child(ren) a snack and a drink. Adult refreshments will be provided.

Hand sanitiser will be available for your use.

If you or your child are feeling unwell or experience Covid symptoms please stay at home.

Thorough cleaning will take place after each session.

If for some reason you cannot attend please email the toddler group so that we can offer your place to someone else.

Salisbury Seminary